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Improving children's outcomes

Online SEND and Teacher CPD courses

Why not join 10,000 schools who've partnered with us to improve the confidence and skills of their teaching team and provide a more inclusive experience for pupils with SEND?

We ensure your team has the right skills at the right time to support all children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and provide quality first teaching.

Discover why 85% of users rate a significant increase in confidence after completing our courses and talk to us today.

Impact on confidence in overall abilities to meet the needs of pupils with SEND

* 85% of users rate a significant increase in confidence

  • Very confident
  • Fairly confident
  • Somewhat confident
  • Not confident
Chart for pre-training
Post-training *
Chart for post-training

* 85% of users rate a significant increase in confidence

Source: LMS 2024

Our courses are developed in partnership with SEND specialists and leading institutions to reflect current evidence-based practice. They provide a secure knowledge of the graduated approach, an understanding of assessment checklists and techniques, a toolkit of interventions to differentiate learning, and a support plan to differentiate and personalise learning.


This has really raised my awareness of deaf students' needs and how to work with the student to meet them. We've been able to implement a range of steps in our teaching centre to make the rooms better in terms of cutting background noise and being friendlier learning environments for deaf students. We've also managed to get clear guidelines for our local exams staff so that they know which special measures they are expected to provide to accommodate deaf students. This is a big step forward for them as when initially approached the did not know they were expected to make accommodations at all.

Qualified Teacher

Deafness (Further Education)

To plan my next steps (with an individual or a group) To help give effect on their academic achievements . . .. .t has given me the opportunity to evaluate progress against the outcomes. To develop intervention programmes to suit a childs needs.
This training has helped me consider how working jointly with school staff and parents and considering all communication environments can have a positive impact on outcomes. Supporting school staff to understand the importance and process of goal setting and completing intervention has also improved outcomes as having a shared understanding has increased staff motivation to follow care plans and complete intervention with SLCN children.
It has made me much more aware of wellbeing and mental health and specific challenges as well as the impact of different conditions and situations. I feel much more confident in supporting children within our school as well as developing CPD for the staff for us all to move forward in this crucial area. It has been very thought provoking for myself as a teacher but also as a parent and it has had a positive impact on my classroom practice. I am also more confident to plan and implement interventions and know that it is useful to have all the information on this course to refer back to. I have really enjoyed this course. Thank you for your support.

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