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Improving learner outcomes


The following testimonials are a selection of comments made by participants in their post-course evaluation, and impact statements 90 days after passing their course.

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Group of people
It has made me think more about how as a team in the class we could help individual pupils progress.

Qualified Teacher

Multi-Sensory Impairment

It has really made me think about how Dyslexia affects students - and where it is derived from (physically) - which enables me to make links now between seemingly disparate things (such as disorganisation and reading).
This training has, for me, cemented the fact that mental health and wellbeing can be nurtured and cared for in school settings. If children feel safe, valued and supported within their educational setting, then hopefully they will grow into young adults who feel like they have purpose and value in our world.
This training has given me an in depth understanding of dyslexia as a learning difference and has helped me to be able to use the strategies and resources recommended within this course to support and benefit the pupils at risk of dyslexia that I work with. The outcomes are positive and the learners are gaining self-esteem and confidence, and are achieving their targets.
This has been difficult to assess as we have not been in school for any length of time due to COVID however when asked to assess a student with anxiety associated with attachment it helped me to review the student and suggest strategies that may help.

Teaching Assistant

Attachment and Trauma

This training has taught me how to support deaf learners in numerous ways. For example, giving them more time to process the tasks and their responses to my questions. I feel confident when working with a deaf child, I will ensure they have the best opportunities to develop both educationally and socially.
I'm now much more aware of the difficulties and barriers to learning that deaf pupils face on a daily basis. Being more able to identify when pupil A is struggling or not engaged in learning means I can give support or an intervention when it's needed. Pupil A is beginning to show more confidence with learning and speaking which has produced success that she very clearly enjoys!

Teaching Assistant


I feel more confident in understanding SI. I can understand when a student describes their condition. I am more confident in being aware of the aids available for a VI student. When I started the course I had a good understanding of students with dyslexia and autism but knew nothing about VI. I particularly enjoyed the section on common eye conditions. My mother suffered a detached retina and I did not understand what that meant at the time but now I do. My son suffers from Astigmatism and short sightedness, and I had little understanding of these conditions. I really enjoyed the course as it was detailed and very interesting. I benefited from seeing all the examples of students at university and how well they were coping.
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