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New app for parents of deaf children - 3rd May 2024

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There are currently more than 50,000 deaf children in the UK, with 78% attending mainstream schools. Even though deafness is not a learning disability, many deaf children across the UK underachieve in education. The good news is, with the right support, deaf children can achieve the same as their hearing peers. 

With this in mind, the National Deaf Children’s Society (NDCS) has launched a new app entitled: My NDCS.  Aimed at parents and carers of deaf children, its main goal is to support children with expert guidance anytime, anywhere.

The app is now available for iOS and Android users and members of the NDCS (membership is free).

The NDCS app allows parents to:

  • Find expert information and resources suited to your location and your child’s age
  • Read stories and testimonies from other families
  • Access and use a glossary to highlight key terms you might come across
  • Use the journal to record key moments in your child’s journey - to reflect on key milestones
  • Parents can also write notes for appointments or, add comments to share with professionals later.

The My NDCS app is available to download for iOS and Android users in the UK. Find out more at The National Deaf Children’s Society.

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