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Assess, Plan, Do, Review: welcome to the new GAP Workbook - 11th Sep 2023

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image shows a mobile and tablet featuring online training goal setting tool

Here at OLT we’re always looking for ways to make our products and services better than ever, which is why we're excited to introduce OLT’s new and improved Goal and Action Planning Workbook (GAP). 

What is the new GAP Workbook?

GAP is a new, improved version of the goal setting tool currently available on OLT tutored courses. What makes GAP even better, is that its for everyone in school and has been developed alongside your feedback, with an aim to:

  • provide an effective, quick solution to develop clear action plans and SMART targeted interventions 
  • Save time and reduce paperwork for busy teachers and SENCOs
  • enhance the quality of first draft goal and intervention statements for participants
  • mirror the continuous cycle of planning, known as the graduated approach – assess (learner profile), plan (goal setting) do (intervention plans) and review (feedback)

What else does the new version offer?

Our new goal and intervention planning workbook has been developed with our users firmly in mind. Here are just a few of the new improved features that we are sure you will love:

  • an optional learner profile (with more explicit links to the goal and intervention stages of goal and action plans)
  • a feedback section (to capture insights soon after the intervention is completed)
  • guided support with goal setting and interventions planning
  • virtual assistant provides feedback on goal and intervention statements, and if enabled can propose a SMART goal statement
  • Fully customisable features and settings for admins, tutors and leads, leaving you in control

Fancy a preview?

Watch our introductory demo video below now and discover how the new GAP workbook can help support staff in your school or organisation to 


OLT GAP Workbook - Tutors Guide

Are you an OLT tutor, admin or lead looking for more information on how to customise and modify the settings for your organisations and participants? Don't worry, we've created a simple walkthrough guide for you also below.


The new GAP Workbook - available now on all tutored OLT courses. 


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