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Let's connect: children's mental health week. Your free teacher toolkit. - 2nd Feb 2023

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Children’s Mental Health Week 2023 takes place this year from 6 – 12th February 2023, and for schools across the UK, it marks an opportunity to focus on the importance of making meaningful connections that support good mental health and wellbeing.

The theme for this year’s Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week is Let’s connect, so, download our free toolkit of targeted resources below and discover ways to further support the mental health and wellbeing of everyone in your setting.


Highlights from this month’s toolkit includes:

  • A New webinar: Anxiety and Depression with Lisa Watson
  • A soothing video meditation by Lisa Watson. A perfect resource for both school and home life.
  • Breathing mindfulness techniques for teachers and learners.


Download your free toolkit.


We hope you enjoy our children’s mental health week toolkit. Please share it with any colleagues who will also benefit.


Best wishes

The OLT Team

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