Online Conference
From Chaos to Calm
Transitioning back to school-based learning for pupils with SEND
28th April – 16th June 2021
Weekly, live from 4pm on GoToWebinar
Keynote by Educational Psychologist
Six webinars with expert consultants and local authority specialist teachers
Educators wellness breaks

This conference aims to support educators, therapists, teaching support staff and parents with the transition back to school-based learning. Our speakers are advisory teachers and experts from the UK, who have first-hand experience of the current challenges and are strategically placed to offer the most impactful insights about how to engage and support the pupils most disadvantaged by the pandemic, i.e. learners with special educational needs (Lucas et al, 2021). With wellness breaks interspersed through-out the conference, we will be exploring the ways educators can manage their workload and look after their wellbeing too.
Transition back to school post COVID
Royal Borough of Greenwich
1hr | 28th Apr 2021 | Accredited CPD
Christo Kachelhoffer and Minna Anaukwu, specialist ASD advisory teachers at Royal Greenwich’s Inclusion, learning and achievement division, share important insights about how to reintegrate learners with ASD back into school post-lockdown, as well as proven strategies for supporting school-based learning.
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Supporting traits not labels
SF30 Ltd
1hr 15m | 5th May 2021 | Accredited CPD
Fintan O’Regan, Director of SF30 Ltd, will demystify a number of terms within the Neurodiversity spectrum including ADHD, ASD, BD, CD, ME, PDA, ODD and SpLD. This informative webinar will outline how to foster neuro-flexibility and demonstrate how a focus on traits and not labels is key to supporting learning, behaviour and socialisation objectives.
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Planning positive steps forward
Positive Eye Ltd
1hr 15m | 13th May 2021 | Accredited CPD
Gwyn McCormack, Director of Positive Eye and OLT Tutor, shares powerful, student-centred approaches for creating positive learning experiences that support the emotional wellbeing of learners with Vision Impairment (VI). This practical, resource-rich session promises to supply simple yet effective strategies to lift your spirits through story-telling and plan positive steps forward following the return to school.
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Identifying the needs of girls with ASD
Wokingham Borough Council
1hr 50m | 2nd Jun 2021 | Accredited CPD
Louise Batalla-Duran, Head of Autism Services, discusses the often invisible and undiagnosed needs of girls with ASD. This thought-provoking and informative session looks at the ways parents and educators can work together to identify and implement strategies that reduce anxiety and challenging behaviours so girls with ASD can learn to thrive at home and in school.
Louise Batalla-Duran
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Pupil emotional regulation skills
Spectra Inclusion Support Team
1hr 30m | 9th Jun 2021 | Accredited CPD
Tania Pyburn, ASD/SLCN Specialist & Play Therapist, shows how to develop effective emotional literacy and self-regulation skills. Using a mixture of theory and practical strategies, this webinar promises to share proven holistic frameworks that help pupils thrive as well as learn how to take control of their emotional responses and sensory regulation needs.
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Teacher wellbeing
Weavers of Wellbeing
1hr | 16th Jun 2021 | Accredited CPD
Drawing on extensive working experiences with educators in schools, colleges and universities, Julie Horsley, Founding Director of Weavers of Wellbeing, will provide an inspirational and emergent session for empowering educators and teaching support staff to reflect on their wellbeing and self-care practices in order to support students from a grounded, heart-centred and integrative space.
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Wellness Breaks
Guided practices for educators
10 minutes
Andrea Goring, Inspired Breathwork, teaches three strategies for educators to connect with the breath and return to a solid, safe and anchored space when things are difficult. Just the tonic for starting or ending a stressful day!
Guided practices for calming students
7 minutes
Andrea Goring, Inspired Breathwork, demonstrates three easy and fun approaches to help children come into the present moment, focus on the breath and be mindful. Ideal for calming the post-break energetic fizz or the post-lunch lull!
The COVID-19 virus pandemic has brought unprecedented challenges for schools and colleges, as staff moved to remote education with little preparation or training (Bubb & Jones, 2020). There has been widespread concern about the impact of closures not only on pupil progress and attainment (UK Gov, 2021) but also on their mental health and wellbeing. With the return to school/college-based education on 8th March 2021, many educators and support staff are in greater need than ever to find practical and effective strategies to cope with increased levels of anxiety, as pupils and parents adjust to the ‘new norm’.
Bubb, S. and Jones, M., 2020. Learning from the COVID-19 home-schooling experience: Listening to pupils, parents/carers and teachers. Improving Schools, [online] 23(3), pp.209-222. Available at: [Accessed 26 March 2021].
Lucas et al, 2021. Pupil engagement in remote learning. [online] Available at: [Accessed 26 March 2021].
UK Government, 2021. Understanding progress in the 2020/21 academic year. Interim findings. [online] Available at: [Accessed 26 March 2021].
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