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The following testimonials are a selection of comments made by participants in their post-course evaluation, and impact statements 90 days after passing their course.

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Group of people
This course has helped me understand a lot more about deafness and what to expect and how to achieve things.

Advisory Teacher


The first section of the course with information about hearing loss and levels, the different types of hearing aid equipment and ways of assessing was useful and interesting. The case studies were interesting to watch and to hear the opinions and thoughts of young deaf people, however, I found this section to be less relevant to my role. The children in the examples were all older and more capable, whereas many of the deaf children we see have more complex needs. However, I did find it particularly useful in this instance to hear the parents’ views and to be reminded of how overwhelming it can all be at this stage and the number of professionals involved within a child's life. It has made me think about the environment in home visits and currently video calls, and the importance of joint visiting with specialist teachers and working together.

Other Position


I am inspired to use my training in the classroom.
I have a good understanding of strategies that will support the children in my whole class with good practise teaching skills.
I am familiar with the course materials and the level of understanding required to complete the course.

Advisory Teacher


It has helped me identify a girl in year 8 who has only very basic communication skills and given me the confidence to help her more specifically, by encouraging her to read aloud and speak in front of a group, which she has just done.
The training has help me to improve my knowledge of the behaviour strategies so I will be able to better support the children I work with (to get the class quiet, clap hands or a small count down). The course has taught me that a sanction needs to be explained to the child, they need to know what will happen, (e.g. I need you to complete your work in lesson or you will have to complete it at break time). I have also been more aware in the classroom since doing this training when I have praised a child. Sometime before, I may have just said 'well done or good work' and not actually said what was good e.g. 'what lovely handwriting, or that was a good question you asked'.
This training course has made me more aware of MSI and given me a better understanding of things to consider when supporting children.

Teaching Assistant

Multi-Sensory Impairment

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